The second I saw this pretty lady, I fell in love. Her sweet temperament just sealed the deal. I will admit that "champagne bubbles" on goats make me feel giddy and happy and then my money just floats away on the bubbles as I bring my new goaties home!!! This sweet girl gives me the pretties and friendliest kids. I couldn't resist keeping both of her boys from 2019.
The Fancy Filly Nubian Doe Black and tan with moonspots February 20, 2016
Sire: Unfinished Acres Maggie's Jack CountryBlue Jolly Mon Oak-Gold Maggie Maye Dam: Pawpawnin Circe Pawpawnin Abraxas Pawpawnin Bebe La Boeuf
March 15, 2018 Macmollie Beast TWINS: BUCK, black and tan, with loud moonspots DOE, black and tan
July 31 2019 Twins: Buck: Black and white with multicolored moonspots Buck: Black and tan with white, chocolate moonspots